Hotels near Pimlico Underground Station

If you are planning to book accommodation in Central London, considering hotels near Pimlico underground station would offer many advantages. If you can avail of accommodation at one of the properties among hotels near Victoria Station, London, exploring important places of interest like the Albert Hall and the Buckingham Palace would be much easier! For cheap & budget hotels near Victoria Station consider visiting Sidney Hotel.

For Different
Family Sizes

Once you visit our official web interface on Sidney Hotel London Victoria, you can access different accommodation options on offer for different group sizes. Some of the options include:

  • We offer single rooms for accommodating one person.
  • Double rooms are offered for couple accommodation. It has been furnished with one double bed.
  • You can also opt for a twin room which contains two single bed units or two twin beds, whichever suits your requirement.
  • Triple rooms are for accommodating three people. You can have three different standard beds or can have one standard single bed and one double bed.

Options for
Triple Occupancy

If you wish to avail of ensuite rooms for triple occupancy with three single beds in hotels near Pimlico Underground Station, it would be prudent to visit Sidney Hotel and book your options in advance. These rooms have limited availability. Therefore, checking on availability and subsequently booking in advance would be essential. Even otherwise, booking rooms in advance for Central London hotels is always advisable.

Book your stay


Why book Direct with us?

Booking directly with our website means that you not only get the best online rates but you can also take advantage of our exclusive benefits:

  • Save 10% with promo code: SHLV10
  • Free Wi-Fi during your stay.
  • Early Check-In (subject to availability)
  • Late Check-out (subject to availability)